Monday, 20 December 2010

The ChristMaterialisation of Christmas & It's ChristLessness.

Was this part of meal plan guys?
Bah, Humbug! It's that time of the year again when we all flutter about like a brood of confused spent hens vying for attention from the only cockerel on the farm; flapping and fluffing about until the eggs are laid golden.
The bells are ringing, beckoning all from East to West,North and South: to shamelessly dip into our purse stream strings and unearth all it's worth to acquire earthly possessions for our loved ones in "remembrance and celebration" of  Christ's birth: born amongst cow and horse dung in a stable with a manger for a bed two thousand and ten years ago.(I went horse riding last year and apart from the excruciating pain felt in my thighs for striding a horse so long: the "radiating" smell from the stable was enough to make one week old rotten fishes smell like sweet roses).To imagine the Son of God starting life amongst such conditions: his first whiff of earthly air mixed with the perfume of  cow and donkey urine is in stark contrast to how Christians celebrate this period. (Probably the air in the stable wasn't so bad after the Three Wise Men visited with Myrrh & Frankincense. Did Mama Maria burn them later to neutralise odour? She possibly couldn't have without consulting Health & Safety regulations surrounding that period). Placing Jesus in a manger?...Did the cows moo, the sheep bleat and horses neigh at human interference on their meal plate? The wonders of The Almighty who started so lowly...

The shameless materialisation of Christmas by Christians have reduced the period which Christ's birth is commemorated into days of epicurean gluttonous activities with an eclectic mix of senseless shopping sprees indulged by both shopaholics and Christmas induce spenders who suffer from such yearly attacks in the run up to the festive period. I wonder what Christ thinks as he watches his flock take the main attention away from HIM to indulge in the  accumulation and adoration of earthly goods he spent his thirty years on earth admonishing them about? The sale bonanza frenzy,specially released limited edition Christmas toys,books,DVDs, Christmas special travel discounts; in fact the huge commercialisation of Christmas etc all serve in diverting attention away from the Mass celebration of Christ.

Of what symbol is the Christmas tree that adorns most christian homes this time of the year ? Over centuries, it has come to represent and symbolise Christmas. There are various stories circulating the world wide web as to its origins but non bear a particularly strong Christian hallmark with most sources being largely unverified. I have however picked on two stories for lack of time:
The Prophet Jeremiah forewarns against pagan practises of bringing trees into our homes adorning them with decorations. "This is what the LORD says: Do not learn the ways of the nations or be terrified by signs in the heavens, though the nations are terrified by them.For the practices of the peoples are worthless; they cut a tree out of the forest, and a craftsman shapes it with his chisel.They adorn it with silver and gold; they fasten it with hammer and nails so it will not totter." Jeremiah 10:2-4. Make what you wish of this.Given that I am by no means overtly religious as my sins could burn the Empire State building in a jiffy...I found this doubly interesting.
Abu Dubai - $11mlln tree decked in gold.
Another story traces it's use as far back as 722 AD, when St Boniface of Germany cut down an oak tree to interfere with a pagan sacrifice of a child and in its place grew a Fir tree. The Fir tree thus came to represent new life from God and his promise of eternal life.(If this were the case, shouldn't Christians have this Fir tree all year round?). I came to the conclusion that if Christians wished to  lovingly remember and celebrate the birth of Christianity's founder; perhaps a figurine of him laid in a manger in a stable surrounded by animals could be more apt and hold a much more religious significance? What better way to be reminded of His lowly start to life as we indulge in weeks of extravaganza. Figurines detailing such are usually found in churches. Christians are anything but lowly instead opting for the more glamorous version of huge Christmas trees decked in ostentatious ornamental pieces.Of course if you are in the dominant Muslim country of  Abu Dubai, you can currently find a $11million Christmas tree at the Emirates Palace Hotel.Trust Muslims to show these Christians how to enact true glamour during religious celebrations.

The birth of Christ which is meant to signify a religious celebration of hope,rebirth, renewal and God's promise to save the world with his own flesh and blood; has been reduced to mass commercialisation of human wants.It is all about the large scale materialisation of seasonal wants because the last thing on our minds as we flap about is the image of Christ starting his life among animal dung. It should be a reflective period for Christians to take in the enormity of God's message to his flock: the earthly  things we aspire for have no value in his kingdom. Humility should be the yard stick of measurement in our life.Humble beginnings make great endings. Alack! the word humility amongst Christians during this period is as remotely foreign as an ipad to Bushmen in the Kalahari desert.
It isn't Christmas anymore: it is a conglomeration of sales institutions who come together to mark the end of the year whether triumphant or not: by releasing new materials(Exclusive only Christmas items) and getting rid of the old(Sales!sales!sales!) in accordance with the human "scripture" of feeble wants and unsatisfactory acquisition of earthly goods which have no connection to what Christmas is meant to be: The reflection of the birth of the Son of God who was made man; conceived by the Holy Spirit- born of a Virgin in a stable-laid in a manger amongst animals and who from such humble beginnings; saved you, me and the whole world.

Sunday, 5 December 2010

Assange: Wee-Lil- Leaking Political Gossip or Villainous Hero?

Courtesy of The Guardian. 12/2010.
 "The west has fiscalised its basic power relationships through a web of contracts, loans, shareholdings, bank holdings and so on. In such an environment it is easy for speech to be "free" because a change in political will rarely leads to any change in these basic instruments. Western speech, as something that rarely has any effect on power, is, like badgers and birds, free. In states like China, there is pervasive censorship, because speech still has power and power is scared of it. We should always look at censorship as an economic signal that reveals the potential power of speech in that jurisdiction. The attacks against us by the US point to a great hope, speech powerful enough to break the fiscal blockade" Julian Assange.Dec 2010.

What a week of revelations, more lurid and horrid than any News of the World sleazy tabloid kiss and tell stories by fame hungry titanium blond pneumatic English tarts.  
Wikileaks leaking wee-wee leak is making such a gigantic puddle mess across the political spectrum. Never mind Sarah Pack-it-in's blunder over "our North Korean allies"... Wiki's leaks have been the icing on plain sponge cake diplomatic relations the world over.
Very little is known about leaky Wikileak's founder: the reclusive elusive (and dare I say agreeable to look at) Julian Assange: with his ever changing hair styles each time he surfaces amidst the waves of political discontent he relishes in creating.Doesn't he remind you of Casper the Ghost? silver white hair and willowy silhouette creeping upon you when you least expect.
Who is Julian Assange? A man with a rather un-usual  surname for a Caucasian Australian(the name bears all the hallmarks and verbal pronunciation of an African surname and please do not question what characteristics make up an African surname). Dubbed various names by international media outlets: The Scarlet Pimpernel of Cyber space(The Telegraph), International Trafficker(The New Yorker), a charlatan with a mockery for world peace and a wee-lil-leaking buzzing fly on America's heavily stinking soiled nappy political mess who at the same time is hailed by some as a villainous hero.And if the advisor to the Canadian PM Stephen Harper could have his way, Assange should be assassinated.
Assange has just about wrongly ruffled every feather on planet earth from the Pentagon, The Scientology sect Religion, to bungling bumbling African Kleptocrats.Just the feathers of the Ostriches on the Great Savannah plains remain untouch.
Currently Assange has no country of residential abode and fleets incessantly between European & African countries; his native Australia having spurned him as the devil child in favour of working hand in hand with American authorities to stem & curb the flow of such political evil emanating from the entrails of Assange. Sweden temporary offered him refuge from the baying blood hounds of North America. However that was to drastically change over night as an international warrant has been issued for his arrest over claims of rape and sexual assault. The timing couldn't have been perfect. One wonders at the true authenticity of any allegations, warrant, etc.
Assange nevertheless is a busy man: Wikileaking and Willieleaking.

Some leaking facts about Assange:
  • The seemingly African surname- Ah Sang or Mr Sang: dates its origins to a Chinese immigrant who migrated to Australia in the 1800's.
  • His maternal ancestors are Scottish and Irish who also migrated to Australia in the 19th century. (It is thus safe to conclude that Assange's nomadic lifestyle is embalmed in his molecular DNA).
  • Born in 1971 on the 3rd day of the seventh month.
  • His parents met at a demonstration against the Vietnam War.
  • Claire: his mother; burned her school books at the tender age of 17 and escaped from home on a motorbike.
  • Assange's childhood was as unstable as a wooden rocking horse on three legs....making Oliver Twist's seemingly stable.Reports have it before he was fourteen, the family had moved about thirty seven times.
  • Between the ages of  eleven and sixteen, Assange, his mother and half brother were fugitives on the run from his mother's ex-lover.(What is it they say about living your adult life as a child? deja vu?)
  • His unreciprocated cyber love affair with the US state government began at sweet sixteen when in 1987 he started hacking into the US defence systems under the name Mendax(more like Menace).He joined forces with two other hackers to form a group called International Subversives.
  • Married at eighteen in an unofficial ceremony.They shortly had a son.
  • Arrested in 1991 by Australian police for hacking.
  • Pleaded guilty to twenty four charges of hacking in 1992 and was release due to his actions being regarded as the "sort of intelligent inquisitiveness and the pleasure of being able to—what's the expression—surf through these various computers"(The New Yorker-June 2010).
  • His mother alleges stress from the arrest, his partner leaving him soon after and a three year custodial battle over his young son left him depress and turned his brown hair...GREY.(Ah! Eureka moment for myself here as I have pondered over his silver mop of hair day and night.) 
No doubt Julian Assange is a cyber space Peeping Tom who regards himself as an "information activists" whose organisation WikiLeaks may have caused irreversible damage on diplomatic friendships and perhaps "world peace"? When does freedom of speech and information become detrimental to it's core foundation- freedom?.
Here are my "favourite" leaking wee Wikileaks:
A most Royal Buffoon:Prince Andrew
  • Prince Andrew described by  US Ambassador as cocky, rude and a  boorish "bungling free loader" who cavorted shamelessly in awe, admiration and surprise at the wealth of Middle Eastern Royalty, Sheiks & Emirs.A letter of thanks to a Bahrain host went "my little plane parked to your stunning jet".Talk about a fat kid let free in a cake shop. He was portrayed as spoilt & petulant with little knowledge of his role as Britain's Special Trade Envoy. His Royal dumbness travels with a six foot long ironing board everywhere and has earned himself the tittle HBH...His Buffoon Highness.
  • HBH-the Prince of Freebies declared the French corrupt and noisy.What a startling revelation that is!
  • Brown was dismissed as an "abysmal" politician who lacked the charisma of Blair, by the US.Well here's some news to our dear American cousins: I rather be a child of Brown than of a Bush fool!
  • Our English Cousins were also taken back by British "paranoia" over maintaining  "the special relationship" between the US & UK.William Hague took a further step in grovelling towards our cousins; acting like a somewhat heavy laden arse donkey by professing himself, Osborne & Cameron as "Children of Thatcher" and  "staunch Atlanticists" with a sister who lives in America and he vacations in America. Our Foreign Secretary just took the term kiss a**e to a whole new level.
  • The French Midget-Sarkozy was described as an "emperor with no clothes" by US officials.Can't say his stretch skin face wife will complain about a no clothes Sarko though! The thought is stomach churning.Carla is one brave lass.
  • The Afghan Vice President flew to Duba in in October 2009 with $52million in cash.The African Kleptos have some serious contenders here.
  • China accusing North Korea of acting like a "spoiled child".Sarah Palin wouldn't be too happy to read about one of our allies being describes as so. Palingly Disturbing.
I am not sure what to make of Assange and his political gossips leaks.Despite finding him hauntingly attractive and his baritone voice disturbingly soothing- I cannot help but liken his actions to that of an angry partner who is retaliating on their cheating other half.Some of these revelations are nothing more but unwanted acidic leaks which need to be tightly capped.
Enemy of the state and the Robin Hood of International Diplomacy