Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Lesson Learnt from Watching Two "colleagues" Copulate.

You may have heard the phrase "I was eaten alive" many a time used to describe the very varied and different experiences we have each encountered or partaken in. Or you may have been described by one you have/had "close" encounters with as such during such "close" encounters...Get it? If you don't, read on and perhaps the penny will drop along the way(pease feel free to substitute "penny" with any currency of your choice).
It so happens certain females bite off  their partners head; eating it during copulation. When my friend John Gwan mentioned that-( after Leo Gabrielle had hinted that certain males of a certain animal specie intentionally abscond from all parental duties after a successful  and productive mating session.Leo was referring to the "cuddly" Polar Bear though it is safe to write most animal male species display the "cuddly-polar-bear syndrome" of  "cuddle-mate-abandon"); I thought he was being his plain "ol- silly-jolly-John-Jonnie- self". Lo and behold he wasn't! He was as serious as Bush & Blair in declaring a War of Terror(on innocent civilians whilst the real terrorists still abide in mountainous abodes in the Afghan Mountains).
 It was with great gusto that I clicked on the YouTube link he had shared to discover which female specie carried out such a loving monstrous act whilst in the throes of passion. I was intrigued to know the reason for such Girl Power whereby she controlled when and how it ended...a deviation from the norm which most females are accustomed to.
After watching the video, I was filled with instant admiration for this specie and wished myself, all my GF and women all over could have such ability to "bite off the head" of wanton male partners who sow their wild oats over fertile ground but are too lazy to harvest their products.
I believe the "biting head off" process exhibited by this specie during copulation is highly significant in that; she "teaches" the male a lesson...kind of like a "you don't just hit and run". The only problem is; it is a lesson learnt too late as the brains come off in the process; thus he does not live to tell his other male friends the story.
What I learnt from observing this female bite off her male partner's head during coitus:
We (women) can take charge of our lives and situation by ACTING before he flies off...even in the throes of passion.So things may be moving pretty well for you both in all aspects of your relationship but we always have to think ten steps ahead because you never know when a man will opt out and fly.They usually do when we least expect it: at the height of passion and when we are most vulnerable.Bite his head before he does...
And who would have thought I would learn such an important life lesson from seeing two praying mantis have sex? Never ever underestimate the importance of ALL God's creatures...and that is without my customary sarcasm.(Video below)

1 comment:

anhilaire said...

... interesting insight from a woman :) :) ... sometimes the reverse is/can be thrice true...