Monday, 31 January 2011

Conned out of £80k by Nigerian Ninjas

Lonely divorcee Kate Roberts.
A ditsy mother of three handed £80,000 over a period of nine months to a Nigerian scammer she met on the Friends Reunited Dating website. The man who posed as an American soldier going by the name of Sergeant Ray Smith, successfully dug an internet burrow into Kate Roberts heart and was able to extort the vast sum through setting up a fake internet profile accompanied by dashing pictures of  himself as a soldier dressed in the US Army regalia. "Sergeant Ray Smith" made frequent calls to Kate Roberts in his distinctive American accent.He even got his "Captain" to place calls to Ms Roberts assuring  her of his departure date for Britain.
Sergeant Ray Smith
The ruse finally came to an end when Sgt Smith abruptly stopped calling Ms Roberts after she handed him £12,000.She contacted his base who had never heard of him.Her mobile phone company traced numbers "Sgt Smith" had used to a Nigerian mobile. Ms Roberts has had to sell off her house to pay her mounting debts she amassed from funding "Sgt Smith". She also had this to say : 'Aside from losing the money I feel like I’ve lost the love of my life. I know he wasn’t real, but the feelings were real to me and that’s very difficult to come to terms with. Hundreds of other women must be getting conned right now.' It is now easily understood how she arrived at such folly with such a luxurious foolish deep statement heavily encased in stupidity and presented in a pink foil wrap of sheer dumbness.
I am convinced Nigerian scammers studied Psychology modules at university.Natural born actors who put to shame all "trained" Oscar winning actors.Connoisseurs in the fine art of scamming.Mozarts in the sweet music of lies, one can almost admire them. They represent the human brain at its nadir. Each new scamming story outshines the other but then again the Grand Masters of scam remain Madoff & Stanford: the Godfathers of 419 at its finest - home grown and reared in the USA. Nigerian scammers are nothing but waiters at the tables of these talented US cheats who have picked up 10% tips from the Grand Masters themselves.

First read in The Daily Mail

Monday, 24 January 2011

Obama: Before He Became

My brother sent this to me with the words:
"All a Man needs is a patient woman to stick by and watch his dreams fall into place and to quit nagging. Do you think she knew he would become the US president at this time? I don’t think so, but she stuck with him and his VW beetle  anyway".
Not sure if photoshop had a hand to play in this as I do not remember Michelle ever visiting Africa before she was First Lady( I am assuming that is somewhere in Africa given the structure of the corrugated zinc roofs?..then again I may be wrong in my assumptions as certain areas in the deep south bare a strong resemblance to Africa).I read Obama's Dreams from My Father and Michelle was not mentioned in his Kenyan trip.He went solo.
Nevertheless it's a beautiful retro image. 

Thursday, 20 January 2011

Africa's Top Ten "Sexiest" Males.

This morning my brother sent me an email with the caption "Chocolate morning glories for you". It was a link to Africa's Top Ten "sexiest" males of 2010 as compiled by  After going through the lists of the continent's "sexiest" males, one can safely conclude like beauty, the word sexy is also heavily subjective. Sebastien Bassong is clearly missing in this list...but then again that is my subjective view.
Below is the link to 'Africa's Top Ten gay looking sexiest males'.Enjoy! It definitely didn't make my morning glory!
PS:If you think this list is missing YOU,feel free to email editors of this site.You may just make it to their next year's list and make my morning glory...

The site also had a list of Africa's Sexiest Females and after perusing through, I am proud to say Africa indeed has the most exquisite beautiful natural made women.The African woman reminds me of a beautiful painstakingly handpainted clay pot who passes through fire to make her standout.The beauty of an African woman radiates from within. No amount of words could describe her beauty unless you beheld her. Here is the link :

Friday, 14 January 2011

Oldham byelection: stark warning to 'Demolition' Government

Labour's Debbie Abraham celebrates victory.
The forced marriage between Mr & Mr CamClegg shouldn't brush Labour's recent byelection win as dirt off their shoulders since Labour's ousted former MP aka inciter of racial hatred and political bigot Phil Woolas' woolly views and shady election win of 2010 was made void for breaching Representation of Peoples Act 1983.
The Conservatives have been quick to stress ruling governmental parties rarely perform well in byelections (An excuse weaker than a broken door left hanging on its hinges) while their 'demolition' partner The Liberal Democrats also profuse an equally weaker excuse by stating they had won same number of seats they did when Labour won at general elections a few months ago. Would one say eight months ago was a few months ago? It is short of four months to make it a year.The CondemnedLib duo government need to sit up and stop making lame duck excuses as to their recent byelection losses.
It is not an 'anti-government' vote as stated by Simon Hughes of the LibDems. It is a message from the vast majority struggling financially hard up UK public to the cabinet of millionaires hugely disconnected from the plight of ordinary people it pledged to serve 'a few months ago'. Nick Clegg and The LibDems have changed political directions more times than a chameleon changes colours. Cameron has done nothing but cut and cut and cut...the only cut he has to impose yet is on his waist line(Yes of course blame it on the few extra Christmas puddings).The increase VAT,sky rocketing fuel prices, high unemployment rate, bankers awarding themselves million pound bonuses though a few months ago banks were rescued by tax payers; have done nothing to quell public's discontent.The poor get poorer and the rich get richer.The social classification of Britons as in the medieval times from serfs to kings have never been more evident.
Little drops make an ocean...Oldham is tiny ripped stitch in the political pants of Mr&Mr CamClegg which should not be ignored.It is at risk of being a full blown unrepairable tear come May 2015.And a tear which I shall gladly welcome and look forward to. if only a pair scissors could accelerate this faster.
Results of major parties:
Labour: 14,718 (42.1%)
Lib Dems: 11,160 (31.9%)
Conservatives: 4,481 (12.8%)

First Read in The Guardian and The Telegraph

Foxy Fox Shoots Hunter.

Wounded fox shots Its would be killer
An unnamed hunter has been shot by a fox in Belarus. The incident occurred when the man approached the already wounded fox for a closer shot(with his gun of course).The foxy fox then sprung unto the hunter fighting for it's life hanging by the gun.In the ensuing fight, the hunter was accidentally shot in the leg while cunning ol' foxy made a quick dash to safety.
Good on ya foxy!.I am no animal activists or PETA lover as I love my meat and leopard  print shoes & bag but I find hunting a most cruel and distasting activity.Why will anyone with a supposedly fully formed functional brain take delight in shooting animals dead? The animals are at a high disadvantage given that the hunters are of course armed. Hunting is a cowardly act and for such monstrosity to be called "sport" baffles me.

First Read in Yahoo UK News

One 'ell ova flamin' lurv

Victoria Bynes literally had the "hots" for her partner.
It seems some women will go to lengths to keep their men in check by making them burn in love. A Florida based resident took the term 'flaming love' literally alive by setting her partner's genitals aflame.Victoria Bynes- 29 drove to Andrew Williams' home dousing him in petrol before flicking her lighter to a man's much guarded possession.Bynes fire hot actions which resulted in Williams being treated for second and third degree burns to his abdomen & genitals originated from her suspicions over Williams' eyeful views of other women. If William was indeed guilty of Bynes' suspicions, we can be sure that the next time he has a flaming hot desire of what's left of his genitals towards another woman; the thought of this experience will instantly extinguish cold any ideas.
Victoria Bynes has been charged with aggravated assault and released on a $10,000 bail.
Andre Williams' condition is not known...we wish him a speedy recovery.
Another nutcracker black woman makes news. 
PS:Only in America.First Read in The Daily Mail

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Hillary Clinton's Clean Fall

Dear Hillary Clinton had braved all the steps of plane she was boarding only for her to have a fall at last minute on landing; after turning to give a most White House wave to the people of Yemen.Good thing she was wearing trousers! We would not  have wanted her wiki-leaking anything personal meant for private eyes. Perhaps the White House needs to retrain and review staff annually on how to board a plane?That said; it was a graceful fall.Proud of you HillyLets also hope this wasn't some sinister spying plan by Yemen...
First Read in The Independent

Sunday, 9 January 2011

Quote of the Day

"Man being the only animal whose desires increase as they are  fed.The only animal that is never satisfied" Henry George 1839-1837

I received this from a male friend this morning and thought it quite interesting. It is a phrase which could be applied across a wide spectrum. Henry George was an American writer and political economist who coined economic idealism of Georgism.Needless to say this quote was borne from a politico-economic conception sirred by perhaps Georgism?

One could assume 'Man' in this context to represent individuals with the XY chromosome with insatiable gourmand appetites and the need to taste every types of food the world all over.
Assume those who meet these demands(suppliers) are predominantly XX chromosomal type individuals in total oblivion to  Le Petit Gourmand lurking deep inside swollen pregnant bellies of those demanding.
The more Man is fed, the more his needs grow in accordance with his expanding waistline.

So Le Petit Gourmand grows into a Grand Gourmand to  the point where supply exceeds demand by a large margin. The suppliers have been left bone dry and devoid of any sustainable means to feed this animal...forgetting that they are never satisfied.(At this point I remember what my wise friend Mimi Myra had once said: "Give a man Gold and he'll ask for Silver.Give him Diamond and he'll want Gold").
What's left at this stage is either:
  • Le Grand Gourmand becomes a faithful food devourer of just the suppliers type of food patiently waiting and perhaps together they can source different supplies to wet his greedy appetite; or Le Gran Gourmand
  • Deserts his supplier faster than the pace of a tornado unto another supplier who will temporary feed his appetite before he again ditches her scampers off.
My reply to this text? Need I say more...

Thursday, 6 January 2011

Quote of the Day

"I am more afraid of an army of one hundred sheep led by a lion than an army of one hundred lions led by a sheep" Charles Maurice de Talleyrand 1754-1838

I usually do not agree with FrenchFrogs as I abhore the very element of French economic policies within most of their economic trade slaves countries but Talleyrand's quote est une piece magnifique. It was almost as if we had had a discussion about non-sheep-sheep humans as just a few days ago my status on Zuckenberg's social network read : "You cannot reason with sheep.They will always prefer the safety of a ditch".

Nigeria is Happiest Place on Earth

Feeling blue? Nip over to the land of Hope & Optimism: Nigeria
 "While the rest of the world believe they've got a book in them,  most Nigerians believe they've got a million quid in them" Bim Adewunmi.

A recent poll by Gallup has ranked Nigerians as the most hopeful & optimistic people on earth.Usually accustom to reading negative headlines about the land of 419ners(a.k.a."black" Ponzi Schemes) I was greatly perplex at such positivity shown by the English press towards Nigerians & anything African.Could they have been bribed to write such? Possibly not!...How dare I voice such blasphemous press thoughts on our news worthy non bias English press!.

According to the article, low income countries such as Nigeria(My feeble mind is yet to grasp the complexity of a country with the largest oil reserve in Africa  and world's 10th largest oil producer being described as a low income country.Personally I think the indicators of what is high or low income have been determined by white economies too long.Surely Nigeria could rightly fit into a "moderate income" bracket?...Ignore my musings: they are random thoughts of an ill-advised-wishful-thinking-non economic-enlightened individual).

Back to the topic at hand: the most optimistic and hopeful people resided in poorer countries such as Afghanistan,Iraq,Kossovo, Bangladesh, etc It is difficult to imagine any hope in the debris war mess that is Iraq and Afghanistan(Then again my judgement has been heavily marred by the stream of negative press we are bombarded with about these countries).
How pale grey shock I was to read that G7 countries who are of course notably high income countries; scored perilously low on optimism! They saw the future through dark glasses albeit their sunny wealth status. Perhaps the vibrant heat rays from their wealth temporary blinded them-plunging them into a dark abyss? Indeed the old cliché money doesn't buy happiness springs to mind(Though I am vehemently of the opinion that money plays a central part in happiness).
So there we go...Nigeria is officially the happiest place on earth and make that all of Africa too! Where:
  • Everyone knows their neighbours names.
  • Do not need an invite/make pretentious phone calls to visit friends/family.
  • Actually communicate with humans as in physical communication not e-poking, etc via Facebook(We are on the verge of loosing our facial& body expressions due to the fact that all are now transmitted via texts,emails, etc such as "smh","rotf","lol"....etc endless lists of actions which makes me "smh" too as I write this.)
  • People do not lie dead in houses/flats for weeks and even years unnoticed.
Just to name a few. I am not surprised Nigeria is the happiest place on earth.Every Nigerian I have come across is a Prince or Princess with the aspiration of conquering the world.Not to mention those I met in my MPH class who were all Doctors...and of course graduated with flying colours.
Abbreviations used:
  • Smh:Shakes my head
  • Rotf:Rolling on the floor
  • Lol:Laugh out loud.
First read in:The Guardian