Monday, 24 January 2011

Obama: Before He Became

My brother sent this to me with the words:
"All a Man needs is a patient woman to stick by and watch his dreams fall into place and to quit nagging. Do you think she knew he would become the US president at this time? I don’t think so, but she stuck with him and his VW beetle  anyway".
Not sure if photoshop had a hand to play in this as I do not remember Michelle ever visiting Africa before she was First Lady( I am assuming that is somewhere in Africa given the structure of the corrugated zinc roofs?..then again I may be wrong in my assumptions as certain areas in the deep south bare a strong resemblance to Africa).I read Obama's Dreams from My Father and Michelle was not mentioned in his Kenyan trip.He went solo.
Nevertheless it's a beautiful retro image. 

1 comment:

Nicoline Ambe said...

Michelle visited Kenya, Mams. She even took an HIV test to raise awareness about HIV.