Sunday, 23 December 2012

Why do black African men (dis) respect black African women?

Why is the black African man discourteous and immodest towards black African women? You show brazen arrogance and lack of respect treating black African women like shoddy inferior beings.

Why do you approach me in a busy Waitrose displaying territorial arrogance- me a customer doing my Saturday shopping, you a security guard/cleaner working in the shop to make connaissance?
I am well dressed and a respectable woman with a busy day ahead. You seek me out amongst the sea of thronging shoppers to make your acquaintance known, smiling like a sheepish fool as you boldly ask: 
"Excuse me where are you from?"
Don't you know it's rude to ask someone you have never met and don't know such a question? Is that your icebreaker? Well it is a feeble one and needs to be revised. Resisting the need to respond with a sarcastic "I am from my mother's womb," I answer your question despite my annoyance at a security guard/cleaner getting so comfortable with customers. I proceed to swiftly move away when you follow me and in another act of insolent audacity, you request that I invite you over and "cook fufu", as that is the "main meal of my people." 

Would you be so forward if I was a white woman? How dare you familiarise yourself with me? On what account? What is your basis? Water seeks its own level.

What goes on in your head when you see me standing by the rainy sidewalk, shielding from the rain with an umbrella- you approach me with such arrogant impudence and say: 
"Kan a jan you unda diya umbralla?" My trained Pidgin English ears pick up your rudimentary English to mean "Can I join you under that umbrella?" Oh goodness gracious me! The sheer effrontery! 

Would you be so forward if I was a white woman? How dare you familiarise yourself with me? On what account? What is your basis? Water seeks its own level.

What demon has possessed you when at a funeral reception we all stand in line making small talk as we wait for our turn to the buffet table; you appear from the back end of the rather long queue and interrupt our discussion with no excuses, introducing yourself as " Mr XYZ, Consultant Cardiologist" and then jump the queue to the buffet table. What kind of educated uneducated moron are you?  Your Doctorship is a leeway to jump a funeral reception food queue? Many of you get degrees without actually getting an education.

Why do you approach me ignoring the ring I have on my wedding finger? Yes I am really engaged/married and in a committed relationship. Why will I be wearing a ring on that finger? Why can't you respect that and stop henpecking me? Why can't you take no for answer when you show interest and I respond with zilch attention? It hurts your ego? What about my wishes? Be a man and respect my wishes. Be a man and respect women.

Why do you get my number through unsolicited means inundating me with text messages? You lie to a mutual friend you had permission to obtain my number. Shocked and angry at such an intrusion into my privacy, I mince no words in telling you off, requesting that you don't contact me. If I really wanted to be in-touch, I would have given you my number. The result: you launch into a tirade of vitriol and abuse advising me to get my head checked.

Why do you approach me at a party and immediately launch a police investigation into my immigration status? As UKBA’s Chief Detective, you ask how long I have lived in the UK, if I have been to other countries, etc. You think I don't know you want to do the maths and add up my resident status so you can eventually plot your way to doki?

Why do you whistle when we walk down the streets belittling us with vulgar remarks and making sexual gestures? Would you want your sister, mother or daughter to be a recipient of such sexual harassment?

Why do you the African black man conduct yourself in such unrefined. caustic, rustic manner? The Ph.D holders to secondary school leavers all morph as one behaving like uncouth louts. You have no etiquette or manners and assume familiarity with all classes. 

Would you be so forward if I was a white woman? How dare you familiarise yourself with me? On what account? What is your basis?

Familiarity breeds contempt.

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