Last week the government approved a £35,000 scheme aimed at teaching children about homosexuality in their school lessons. Schools can decide whether to opt in or out.Of course there will be no option with RC schools.
Plans include:
- Using gay characters in maths/arithmetic and role play scenarios
- Teaching "LGBT vocabulary"
- Including homosexuals in census during statistics
- Encouraging the makings and use of gay right symbols by pupils
- Having class discussions featuring same sex families
I find this hugely preposterous and asinine on the part of the government and please do not accuse me of homoprejudice.These days it is near impossible for one to express their thoughts without being labelled racist,sexist,anti-Semitic, homonegative, homophobic, homoignorant,etc (pardon me if I have omitted more to the Litany of Anti-social Names).
Homosexuality it appears is being rammed down our throats by our nanny government. The more marginalised groups of people are being forced into our faces for us to accept them, the more they become more marginalised and unaccepted. Recent reports on education suggest that children are leaving school short of the three Rs(Reading,Writing, Arithmetic) yet the government is obsessed with teaching children about homosexuality. Of what use is this if the children end up not being able to read and spell homosexuality?How about concentrating on the basic necessity of education? What is this obsession we have developed with sex and homosexuality? How about learning to talk before you can sing? Teaching children LGBT vocabulary is an idea so ridiculously insane I rather choose adopting the language of chavs.Why? Because most LGBT language are of a high adult material shrouded in sexual meanings. For example cruising isn't what you think it is.Even as an adult I cringe at the many meanings behind these words and shudder incessantly to think of my 10 year old niece or 7 year old nephew learning about these in schools.
Parents are already engaged in a social war with the media,TV, etc over their coverage of sexuality, sex, etc at every angle.When my niece was about six, she was aware of the term lesbian meaning "two women kissing Auntie".A stark contrast to Auntie who became aware of homosexuality at the age of 18 in a Pretoria bar in South Africa. Please do not ask me how but it was an evening of startling revelations which resulted in my girlfriend Nnenna and I being issued stark warnings in the predominantly Caucasian lesbian club.
So what next will be on the curriculum? Encouraging children to dress as alter gender characters to explore all the different sexualities? If we are taught homosexuality is just as equal as heterosexuality why the need to continuously cleanse us with waters from the stream of homosexuality? It is still headline news when a famous personality "comes out of the closet". Are we all just hugely ostentatious in accepting homosexuality? This can be applied to ethnicity as well when we raise our eyebrows at that well spoken black person who is a Lord,Baroness or an MD of a FTSE 100 company.
We are all free to be whatever we wish to be...that is a basic freedom right but we are not obliged to accept what people choose to be.That is not an issue. It becomes an issue when we start behaving in an unacceptable manner towards those we do not agree with. Let education be education without interference from society's moral high horse.
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