Tuesday, 1 February 2011

The inequality of gender equality.

"When women start wanting to behave like men, they disrupt the natural order of things". Mambo

The recent sexism scandal which has engulfed Sky Sports making headlines over the past week has created such a furore of heat hotter than volcanic larva.For those who preach gender equality louder than Jesus Christ ever preached the Gospel, extend this to all areas of life and not just pick and choose where women should be treated equal. As a woman I do not want to be equal to a man; I wish to be treated differently like a pampered pooch and rather much prefer phrases as "Oh she's a lady.You can't expect her to." rather than be seen as a man's equal. Men and women are not physiologically or physically equal and there's a reason for that which can be applied to all areas of life be it social,work,etc.

The press and air head celebrities have been quick  to jump on the sexism Concorde denouncing comments made off air in private between two Sky Sports  dinosaurs journalists. Rio Ferdinand was quick to tweet via his beak about it being OK to have a female official in a game. One can actually feel the falseness & insincerity of Ferdinand's empty twitter rant.Hopefully Rio has never ever made crude anti-female jibes in the men's locker room.
I personally do not give a flying monkeys about comments made in private hence the word "private". The neanderthal  reporters didn't go public about their misogynist views. Certain professions are dominated and well suited to certain genders: so what? It is the same as doing a double take at a male midwife. (Or are they now called midhusband?). I am sure women will make equally vile comments! 
Everyone is entitled to their opinion no matter how offensive it may seem so long as it is not thrown at the victim's face.The problem with the world is we are too far up our gluteus maximus  with political correctness and appeasing whatever religious, race, etc act there is we are now at high  risk of losing our own individuality. Perhaps it is time for a Private Communication Act to be passed.

The comments were not sexist: they were but a selection of poorly unrefined jokes taking a swipe at the female sex. Last time I checked sexism was defined as the belief that one sex is superior to the other (Well yes most men are physically superior to women while most women are psychologically superior to men!). Sexism, racism,etc are views held unknowingly by a vast majority. So you have never raised an eyebrow at female dustbin men, concierge, or gawked at a male hotel maid?
When women start wanting to behave like men: it disrupts the natural order of things.The real victims of these so called sexism scandal are men for if a woman had made such equally poor taste jokes about men, it would have been laughed off.

PS:Isn't it interesting how Sky Sports female journalists are mostly svelte attractive blonds? Doesn't that make Sky Sports selectively appearance sexist in it's selection of journalists?

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